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Discoveries of Masaru Emoto about the Memory and Member of Water
Introduction of Dr. Masaru Emoto: Masaru Emoto was a Japanese researcher and an author who developed the theory that the human consciousness has an effect on water. His theories were...
How Gratitude Influence Spiritual Life
 There is a range of things which can raise positive feelings of gratefulness or gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling same like gratefulness which most individuals are aware about. We...
How Free Energy Identified By Nikolas Tesla Would Be Beneficial
The contribution of Nikola Tesla in the field of free energy research and application in the welfare of mankind has been huge. This scientist is behind some of the most...
How Earthing Is Beneficial And Significant For Human Health
Grounding or earthing is the act of walking barefooted on the earth, grass, sand, rock,or dirt, so that the body gets connected to the earth directly, and can exchange electrons....
5 Top Benefits Of Everyday Meditation
The primary benefit of the meditation rests in your body. Your body's healing power improves which makes the physical structure strong. The organs, cells, tissues regenerate fundamental structure to keep...